
Intermittent Fasting

🍎 Intermittent Fasting 🍏 There are several different ways to fast such as; πŸ”Έ️The 16/8 Method πŸ”Έ️The 5:2 Diet πŸ”Έ️The Warrior Diet πŸ”Έ️The Alternate Day Fast πŸ”Έ️The Weekly 24 Hour Fast And the list goes on. Intermittent Fasting has become a HUGE trend! The most common ones that I tend to hear people talk about are the 5:2 Diet and the 16/8 Method. But what are they? πŸ”» The 5:2 Diet - Involves eating as you would normally for 5 days then restricting your calorie intake to 500-600 for the remaining 2 days of the week. πŸ”» The 16/8 Method: Involves fasting for 16 hours each day then eating within an allocated 8 hour window. Although both methods of fasting are exploding in popularity the 16/8 method seems to be the most commonly tried amongst both men and women. So what are the Pros and Cons of the 16/8 method? Let's delve into it a little more... Pros: πŸ”Ή️It can lead to greater weight loss and fat loss πŸ”Ή️Helps prevent cancer πŸ”Ή️It reduces insulin resistance which lo


  Let's discuss Gymtimidation - Yes it's a thing! Up to 50% of people avoid training in vicinities where they feel they will be surrounded by fitness fanatics (such as gyms, leisure centres, boutiques) and 30% of people feel intimidated when exercising in front of the opposite sex. πŸ‹πŸ½‍♀️πŸ‹πŸΌ‍♂️ As a gym newbie, It can be quite daunting when stepping through those gym doors for the first time, wondering what to do, which equipment to use and how to use them effectively. You may start to worry about your form, technique if you're exercising correctly and if others are watching you. ... (Which in most cases they're not) that's just anxiety trying to creep it's way in. πŸ‹πŸΌ‍♂️πŸ‹πŸΎ‍♀️ It's normal to feel a sense of mild panic when in a new environment but the worse thing you could possibly do when going to a gym is to compare yourself to others. You are who you are, everyone has had to start somewhere and besides every member has their own unique reason f

Food Intolerances

  Anyone suffer with food intolerance?? πŸ™‹πŸ½‍♀️ Yeah - me too 😀 ... It's bizarre how the foods we once loved can become our very worse nightmare. I have found that over the years I have had to cut more and more foods out of my diet due to the inability to process and digest them. πŸ˜’ ... It has been proven that your digestive system naturally slows down with age causing your body to produce less enzymes which are required to help break down the food that we eat. There are different types of intolerances such as: wheat, gluten and lactose to name a few. 🀯 ... Other factors that also contribute to food intolerances are; stress, IBS (Irritiable Bowel Syndrome), a lack of a particular enzyme or a sensitivity to additives. πŸ˜– ... Symptoms linked to food intolerances include: stomach cramps/pains, flatulence, heartburn, skin reactions, irritability, diarrhea, nausea and bloating (which is probably the most common one and trust me it's a pain in the bloody a**!) πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ ...

You Are In Control

  I have seen lots of people post about feeling anxious about life after lockdown, returning to the "norm," not wanting to return to their mundane day jobs and go back to the way 'things were' before this pandemic occured. And although I totally understand, I strongly believe that nothing in our lives have to go back to the way they were, unless we allow them to. πŸ”» When lockdown was officially announced, everyone went into panic mode fearing how they would manage and cope with this new way of living and although it has not been easy by any means, most of us if not all have found ways to adjust and adapt... because as humans that's just what we do. πŸ”» What we have to remember is that we are always one decision away from a different life. We always have a choice... So why worry about things that are within our control, when we have the ability to change them πŸ€” πŸ”» πŸ’‘My Advice: Do not feel compelled to return to situations that unsettle you in any way, shape

Self Doubt Is A B**** - Unfriend Her!

  Do you fear change and/or failure? Do you worry about the opinions of others and if you'll be judged? Do you procrastinate and overthink situations causing you to remain stagnant? πŸ¦‹ We all have doubts and worries (we wouldn't be human if we didn't) But... Self doubt can become a problem if you allow it to derail you from the things in life that you've set out to accomplish. πŸ¦‹ I came across a quote on my news feed the other day which stuck with me, It said " Doubt kills more dreams then failure ever will" ... Imagine that, abandoning your dreams because you have allowed irrational thoughts, negative self talk and the fear of failure to get the better of you. πŸ¦‹ I believe that nothing in life is impossible. The only limits in our lives are those that we impose on ourselves. πŸ¦‹ It all starts with you... • Decide what it is that you want - Assess it's importance to you • Take ownership - Have a plan and take action • Work on reframing your

Ready To Throw In The Towel?... Read this

  " GOOD things come to those who believe, BETTER things come to those who are patient and the BEST things come to those who DON'T GIVE UP" - - At times it may feel like the end goal is soo far away. Which I know can be disheartening but never should you ever give up! Always look at how far you have come and how much progress you have made. - - You are not the same person you were a year ago or even a month ago. So give yourself some credit, hold your head up high and applaud your efforts. Do not lose sight of what you want to achieve. - - Each day that you challenge/work on yourself, you take one step closer to your desired goal. Results take time, dedication and most importantly DISCIPLINE. You may not be where you want to be right now but DO NOT allow yourself to lose hope. Slow progress is still progress. - - Embrace the process and remember that consistency and patience are key. It doesn't matter how long it takes as long as you don't stop.♡ Keep

Live In Your Power

  πŸ’«Live in your powerπŸ’« ' The only person you are destined to become is the person YOU decide to be.' ... No one has the right to dictate the choices you make in life nor should you give anyone the power to sway you off of your path. You and ONLY you are in control of your own destiny. πŸ’« I used to allow the opinions of others get in the way of me pursuing the things that I wanted to achieve and explore. I look back sometimes and wish that I had blocked out the noise. πŸ’« I lacked inner strength. I doubted myself and often had encounters with people that would somehow convince me that my goals were too big and unrealistic, causing me to question myself and my abilities. πŸ’« The funny thing is that after many years of people pleasing and "seeking approval" I had come full circle. I chose to follow my heart and ended up on a path that has allowed me to do what I love and fulfill my lifes purpose. πŸ’« I had to go through those lessons to gain wisdom and evolve.